Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Role of E-Business Adoption in Organization †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Role of E-Business Adoption in Organization. Answer: Introduction This paper is introduced to throw light on the role of adopting e-business and leaving behind the traditional method. With the passage of time, technology has been evolving with high rate of speed and people are becoming more reliable on the digital world make loyal customers of the organization. Almost every individual is connected to the internet, which gives a great platform of large number of the audiences. Every industry needs large population of audience where the products and services could be introduced to them and aware them about the products. E-business provides that platform for the industries and the organization and offers a chance to reach at the top. E-business is an electronic business, which is a process of doing business on the internet, which includes buying and selling products, goods, services and supplies. This includes managing production control, servicing customers, and collaborating partners, processing payments, running automated employees service, informa tion sharing and many more activities. This essay will discuss the following objectives: Specialty of e-business IT adoption in Organization Data analysis E-business can be the best way to replace traditional business methods in order to reduce the costs of products and enhancing shoulder to shoulder with the technology. E-business is not as simple as it seems, even though once adopting e-business it could improve the performance of the organization (Chen Holsapple, 2013). For efficient adoption of e-business, following are the objectives, which should be considered before the adoption: Crowdsourcing: e-business provides technologies that allow common people instead of the employees to modify, create, and monitor the development of the services and the products (Saxtone Kishore, 2013). Examples of crowdsourcing value are Facebook, Youtube, eBay, Twitter and many more. Mobile Commerce: this can be categorized into two groups, mobile computing and mobile commerce. Mobile computing is a technology to operate information and software from distant location via connecting to the internet wirelessly (Falk Hagsten, 2015). Virtual Goods: Virtual goods are the goods and accessories bought from the online community like music, clothes, toys, e-cards, and other objects. Long-Tail Economics: Chris Anderson first offered this trend by explaining the e-commerce profitability by using sales curve. E-business has the ability to carry huge a amounts of niche inventory that could be sold only couple of times in a year where as offline stores or businesses carry limited amount of popular inventory only (Zhang, Williams Polychronakis, 2012). Positive aspects of e-business It has strengthen the capabilities and reach of the market with the accessibility of 24-hour seven day for the products and the services. Eliminate the mediators, which led facility to the customers of buying products direct from the seller at low prices than it was before in traditional business. Quicker and easier communication between the buyer and the seller is another beneficial aspect of e-business. It allows the owner of the business to collect broader information using researches through CRMs and GDSs technologies (Bordonaba-Juste, Lucia-Palacios Polo-Redondo, 2012). It gives opportunity to the business owners to adopt new business models and increased customer support. Many costing like, postage, stationary, and travelling charges reduced by using online banking as the payment mode. There are certain disadvantages of E-Business like, there are some sectors where e-business cannot be growth like groceries and food. Even though nowadays e-commerce is trying to expand in this sector by providing delivery of the foods ordered online. Maintenance of e-business is highly costly including security and resources both (Niranjanamurthy et al., 2013). There are several security concerns also that might affect e-business like data breach or security breach, which can expose security related information to unauthorized user. In order to be successful and be ahead in the industry in the market among its competitors an organization needs to adapt and embrace E commerce and E business. Adopting e-business is not much simple or easy process as it seems, rather it needs changes in the business models, business strategies and integrating their business operations with technology. Implementing e-business will get rid of the intermediary expanses that generally increase the price of the products. Nowadays an individual can buy a product even at 12:00 a.m. or any time without moving out by just using smartphone or any other devices, which have internet access. E-business can provide facility of 24-hour services but it is not available in the businesses without e-commerce. E-business can be helpful in recording patterns using data mining and predict the customers behavior and choices. E-business create value in different industry Value-drivers model can be developed in order to create and enhance the value of e-business in different industries, which have four factors those are: complementary, novelty, lock-in and efficiency (Zhang, Williams Polychronakis, 2012). Based on the two evidences of the survey made in UK and Korea it can be stated that adoption of e-business was successful among the SMEs in Korea, which was based on the data collected during the survey made in Korea among the SMEs. The empirical evidence suggested that CEOs knowledge on the IT/e-business plays a major role for this successful event of e-business adoption (Lee, 2013). Another study was done by surveying the UKs SMEs on the adoption of e-commerce in the businesses. Survey resulted in four clusters of adoption and after evaluating those clusters, it was found that all the four clusters could suggest a set of sequential steps or stages, by which the organizations passed during this innovative adoption of e-business (Ramanathan, Ramanthan Hsio, 2012). E-commerce can give competition to shopping malls and real stores as the customers no longer needed to go out for the shopping or they does not have to move places and places nowadays to select their choices (lieber Syverson, 2012). Nowadays everything has been introduced at the palm of the customers through e-commerce or e-business. Regarding the future as the technology is evolving so rapidly, the shopping malls and real stores will have to change the traditional way of business into e-commerce or e-business (Pozzi, 2013). E-commerce is almost fulfilling all the needs and demands of the customers and of course, all the big e-commerce companies want to take over all the retail market area and majority of the people are moving towards e-commerce makes it more attractive business. Recently data breaches have resulted in the need of more security for the sector that is being operated online. Trust and privacy is the most important and concerning topic in the matter of the service quality in e-business. The matter influences the customers that how the organization is going to keep their information private and secure from unauthorized users. The services related to the e-business seem to be proper until the user buys the product after that there should proper feedback conversation between the buyer and the seller (Chu, Lee Chao, 2012). Privacy, security and trust are the most serious issue in manner to attract online potential customers into e-business and retain those customers by giving priority to these services and possible measures for them. Different industries can create their value by adopting e-business model for their sustainability and enhancement in the market. Although, every industries must be trying to adopt e-commerce for the development of their business, which can give a competitive market but there are certain advantages of the competitive environment in the business. The list of industries that have adopted e-business or e-commerce is very big, as most of the new industries are adopting it. Hardwood is the most recent example of Australian industries, which have adopted the e-business and making good profits in both the senses customers and finance. Most of the big industries that have covered almost the entire e-business include Ali Baba, Amazon, Facebook, eBay and many more. Amazon is the top most in the ranking of e-business with the largest number of customers and spread world widely. Without e-business, an industry cannot think of such a big market and such large population of the customers. Conclusion Based on the above report it can be concluded that in order to compete the market in this new digital world an industry needs to upgrade their traditional way of business and adopt e-business for their sustainability and enhancement of the organization. Based on the evidences as mentioned above there are certain advantages and disadvantages of this adoption, where disadvantages can be seen as peanuts and the advantages as the real fruit. There may be some challenges for the start-up this adoption but as mentioned above many industries have been profitable using this adoption, as this is the demand of the time to digitalize every system. This paper also emphasis on how an industry can create value in the market and among the customers by adopting e-business. References: Bordonaba-Juste, V., Lucia-Palacios, L., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of e-business adoption for European retailers. Internet Research, 22(5), 532-550. Chen, L., Holsapple, C. W. (2013). E-business adoption research: state of the art. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 261. Chen, L., Holsapple, C. W. (2013). E-business adoption research: state of the art. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 261. Falk, M., Hagsten, E. (2015). E-commerce trends and impacts across Europe. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 357-369. Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S., Chahar, D. (2013). Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6). Zhang, X., Williams, A., Polychronakis, Y. E. (2012). A comparison of e-business models from a value chain perspective. EuroMed Journal of Business, 7(1), 83-101. Chu, P. Y., Lee, G. Y., Chao, Y. (2012). Service quality, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and loyalty in an e-banking context. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 40(8), 1271-1283. Lee, S. (2013). An integrated adoption model for e-books in a mobile environment: Evidence from South Korea. Telematics and Informatics, 30(2), 165-176. Lieber, E., Syverson, C. (2012). Online versus offline competition. Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, 189-223. Pozzi, A. (2013). The effect of Internet distribution on brick?and?mortar sales. The RAND Journal of Economics, 44(3), 569-583. Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Hsiao, H. L. (2012). The impact of e-commerce on England SMEs: Marketing and operations effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2), 934-943. Zhang, X., Williams, A., Polychronakis, Y. E. (2012). A comparison of e-business models from a value chain perspective. EuroMed Journal of Business, 7(1), 83-101. Bordonaba-Juste, V., Lucia-Palacios, L., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of e-business adoption for European retailers. Internet Research, 22(5), 532-550. Chen, L., Holsapple, C. W. (2013). E-business adoption research: state of the art. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 261. Chen, L., Holsapple, C. W. (2013). E-business adoption research: state of the art. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 261. Chu, P. Y., Lee, G. Y., Chao, Y. (2012). Service quality, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and loyalty in an e-banking context. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 40(8), 1271-1283. Falk, M., Hagsten, E. (2015). E-commerce trends and impacts across Europe. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 357-369. Lee, S. (2013). An integrated adoption model for e-books in a mobile environment: Evidence from South Korea. Telematics and Informatics, 30(2), 165-176. Lieber, E., Syverson, C. (2012). Online versus offline competition. Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, 189-223. Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S., Chahar, D. (2013). Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6). Pozzi, A. (2013). The effect of Internet distribution on brick?and?mortar sales. The RAND Journal of Economics, 44(3), 569-583. Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Hsiao, H. L. (2012). The impact of e-commerce on England SMEs: Marketing and operations effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2), 934-943. Zhang, X., Williams, A., Polychronakis, Y. E. (2012). A comparison of e-business models from a value chain perspective. EuroMed Journal of Business, 7(1), 83-101. Zhang, X., Williams, A., Polychronakis, Y. E. (2012). A comparison of e-business models from a value chain perspective. EuroMed Journal of Business, 7(1), 83-101.

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